The Think-Tank KEY between Europe and Korea is looking for contributions

The Think-Tank KEY is looking for contributions between Europe and Korea

Are you a student or young professional between Europe and Korea? As part of its NextGen program, KEY is looking for contributions!


KEY is a Think Tank also functioning as a platform for collaboration, support and networking for various actors from Korea and Europe. KEY aims to bring together Korea and Europe with your support, vision and creativity. KEY’s uniqueness and specificity lie in its in-depth knowledge of both Korean and European ecosystems and its extensive, high-level network of companies, academics, experts and students, which allows the elaboration of projects and joint actions across various sectors and areas of interest to Korea and Europe.


KEY will start publishing periodical reports with the overarching theme of Transformation and they would like you to contribute! The reports will be published on the Website and over LinkedIn, and will be part of a NextGen initiative to engage students and young professionals in KEY’s publishing activities.

What are they looking for?

If you would like to contribute as an author, you can propose a topic for a journalistic/ analytical piece that you would like to write. Current KEY working groups are on:

  • Healthcare and Biotech
  • Digital Transformation
  • Sustainability
  • Soft Power

You are free to suggest any related topic that you have expertise or interest in, but keep in mind the overarching theme of Transformation, and it should:

  • Be related to critical issues
  • Relate to cross fertilization between Europe & Korea
  • Focus on concrete initiatives

What is the format?

KEY is looking to publish short reports in a series related to “Transformation”. The piece could be an interview, a position paper or research paper. If you would like to co-author a piece, you can write it together with others.

How do I join?

Please write an e-mail to info(@) outlining the topic you want to write about, and the format you envision. The team will then discuss the next steps with you, give feedback regarding the topic and format, and decide on deadlines for the first draft.

Their supervisory pool includes professors, industry professionals and journalists.

If you have any questions, please reach out anytime. Feel free to forward this call for contributions to anyone else who could be interested in contributing to this NextGen initiative!


Call For Contribution PDF

Presentation of KEY



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