Networking  •  Rencontre & Echange

Exclusive Networking Event

FKCCI Office, 5F, Nobel Building, 16, Teheran-ro 78-gil, Gangnam-gu, 06194, Seoul, Corée du Sud
Voir sur la carte

Tarif : Free

Only for Members


L'événement est terminé.

Meet with Val-de-Marne region's CCI President & Economic Vice-President, who will be making a special visit to South Korea on November 7th!

After an initial visit to South Korea in early October to explore potential collaborations with Goyang officials, the CCI Val-de-Marne has returned with a 10-person delegation, including officials from the Paris East region. They are keen to learn more about the French Korean Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FKCCI) and its members, while also showcasing the potential of the Territoire Paris Est, Val-de-Marne to the attendees. To facilitate this, the FKCCI is organizing an exclusive networking event featuring Mr. Gérald Delmas, President of the CCI Val-de-Marne and 1rst Vice-President of CCI Paris Ile-de-France, and Mr. Julien Weil, Mayor of Saint-Mandé and Vice-President in charge of the Economic Department of Val-de-Marne, as guests of honor. This event will foster dialogue between the Paris Est Region, Val-de-Marne, and French companies operating in Korea, providing FKCCI members with a rare opportunity to engage with regional French leaders and explore new avenues for collaboration.


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DATE | 7 November 2024 (Thursday)
TIME | 19h00 - 21h30 (KST)
FEE | Free of charge

LOCATION | FKCCI (Meeting Room, 5F, Nobel Building, 16, Teheran-ro 78-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 06194 KOREA)

서울 강남구 테헤란로78길 16 노벨빌딩 5층 한불상공회의소 (Naver Map, Google Map)

PARKING |  Nobel Building (KRW 8,000 per hour) / Posco Building (KRW 4,000 per hour)

*Please note that parking tickets are not provided. We recommend using public transportation if possible. 



  • Email: event(@)
  • Tel: 02-553-2883


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