Interview  •  Portraits

Succeed In Korea #5 as a 3D Design Studio : VSLB Inc. | A state-of-the-art 3D Creative Studio FKCCI

Here is the 5th episode of our series Succeed in Korea with Sarah Philomena Schmidt!

Here is the 5th episode of our series Succeed in Korea with Sarah Philomena Schmidt!

Sarah is the Cofounder and CEO of VSLB Inc. - 3D Creative Studio, a state-of-the-art 3D Creative Studio that replaces complicated and time-consuming physical photoshoots with 3D Virtual Spaces. When she cofounded VSLB in 2019, she faced many new difficulties specific to the Korean market, that eventually led her to become a successful company. Watch Sarah Schmidt's interview and learn how she was able to overcome these challenges thanks to its great adaptation and interpersonal skills.

Watch the episode on our YouTube channel:

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