인물 포커스

Succeed In Korea #2 as a travel agency : Cap Corée | French travel agency in Korea

Here is the second portrait of our new series of videos to interview companies and entrepreneurs on their business experience in the challenging Korean market!

Meet Mélusine Blanchet who has been living in Korea since 2012 and is the operations manager of the French travel agency : Cap Corée. Covering the whole country, the Cap Corée team simply loves Korean landscapes, culture and shares its passion with anyone willing to go on a trip inn Korea.

As Covid-19 restricts international travels, they propose now special packages for French-speaking foreigners living in Korea and willing to discover the country more in-depth.

Watch Mélusine's interview and find tips on how to do business in Korea in the travel and tourism industry!

Subscribe to our Youtube channel for more videos to come (ENG sub available)!

=> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-15qBkabLQ

Follow them on social networks @capcoree on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and Linkedin!

=> https://www.instagram.com/capcoree/

=> https://www.capcoree.fr/

테마별 이벤트


FKCCI  •  Seoul

연례총회 & 비즈니스 어워즈

한불상공회의소 연례총회에 참여하여 지난 1년 간의 과업을 돌아보고 프랑스 비즈니스 어워즈 수상자들의 놀라운 업적을 함께 축하해요!

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