The Grand Prix VI 2019 celebrates young French professionals in Korea - May 16th

Congratulations to Florian Brouet, from POMA, winner of the “2019 VIE Grand Prize” in Korea, and all the other participants! 
Check out his video on his Korean experience:

The VIE (International Volunteers in Business) is a unique program to help young professionals from 18 to 28 years old to work for a French company abroad. For this third edition, the Secretary of State at the French Ministry of Economy, Mrs Agnès Pannier-Runacher, could present how such program is important to support companies in their commercial success: “This is an exemplary model, to such an extent that we are currently inventing the Regional Volunteer in Business, which is the mirror of VIE in the regions of France”.

All partners of the Grand Prize, Business France, the Council of External Economic Advisors (CCE), FKCCI and La France en Corée - Ambassade de France en Corée thank the generous sponsors of the prize: LBI Korea - Luxury Business Institute Korea , Air France, Renault, Hanwha Total and Thales. Special thanks to Asiance as well for supporting the initiative.

POMA is an 80 year-old world leader in ropeway transportation, with subsidiaries on five continents. FKCCI is glad to host the Korean office of the group in its business center in Seoul since 2016.
More info to come soon!

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