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The Best Place to Start Your Business in Korea - Busan-Jinhae Free Economic Zone (BJFEZ)

Busan-Jinhae Free Economic Zone (BJFEZ) opens up an immense opportunity for European companies to succeed in Korea.

The Global Hub for International Business and Logistics 

Busan-Jinhae Free Economic Zone (BJFEZ) opens up an immense opportunity for European companies to succeed in Korea.

A Free Economic Zone (FEZ) refers to a designated area designed to create and improve the business environment for foreign-invested companies. To attract foreign investment, a FEZ develops infrastructure and offers various incentives and administrative services to facilitate global companies to start and do business in Korea.

With the goal of being 'The global hub for international business & logistics', BJFEZ offers a wide range of incentives for your business with a foreigner-friendly residential environment for your employees.

In simple words, BJFEZ is an opportunity for your business to enter and succeed in the Asian market with financial and administrative support and succeed in the global market.

Let us tell you why European companies should invest in BJFEZ.

Why invest in BJFEZ?

  • Sound and Stable Korean Economy

South Korea's sound economy supports and enables your business to operate and grow globally

  • The Best Location for Your Business

60 cities with a population over 1M within 3-hour flight

700M people within 1,200km radius

Beijing and Tokyo within 2-hour flight

  • Center of Maritime Logistics: Busan Port

World's 2nd Transshipment port

279 Shipping lines' service per week

10 minutes from BJFEZ

  • Industrial Cluster: Home for Korean Manufacturing

90% of Shipbuilding parts & Materials manufacturers

40% of Machinery manufacturers

40% of Automobile parts & Materials manufacturers

  • Exquisite Nature & Amusing Culture and History

309M of annual tourists in Busan and Junhae (Gyeongnam)

Exclusive site of 373,284m2 for tourism & leisure business

10 mins to seaport, 20 mins to train station, 30 mins to airport

  • Talent Pool: Educated, Trained, Qualified

7 international schools, 27 universities, 23 colleges, 334 R&D centers

  • Tax/Rent Benefits and Administrative Services

Tax reduction up to 100%

Rent reduction up to 100%


Contact Us

BJFEZ Baek SeungYeon

Email: baek25(@)

Tel: +82 51 979 5227



Foire & Salon

Maison & Objet Fair

FKCCI will lead a delegation of Korean startups at the Maison & Objet Fair in France, fostering their business development in the French market.

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