
Succeed In Korea #3 as a foodtech company : Damogo | Food Rescuer in Asia

In the 3rd episode of "Succeed in Korea", meet Lin Hwang, founder of his startup company fighting food waste: Damogo!

Lin Hwang has been witnessing massive food waste in the food industry over his 13 years career and now is fighting it with his team through his foodtech app : Damogo.

He and his team are setting up a great way for people to get perfectly fresh and unsold food for very low prices by partnering with stores in Korea and further in Asia.

Watch Lin Hwang's interview and find tips on how to do business in Korea in the foodtech industry !

Subscribe to our Youtube channel for more episodes to come: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSB1pbik_CP6Vr3x2EGZU-A 

More about Damogo : https://www.damogo.co.kr

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