Actus des entreprises

One of the greatest French operas “Gounod’s Faust” is finally coming on July 22 with the title <Faust: sweet temptation>

<Faust : temptation> is the first opera project in 2022 held by MAGE production

<Faust : temptation> is the first opera project in 2022 held by MAGE production(CEO Dae-young Paul Yoon) which have great singers being active across the world. MAGE production chose Seoul Art Center as the venue of the performance.


Gounod’s Faust is known as one of the greatest French operas in the world. Based on Goethe's novel, the opera depicts Faust's desire to return to youth being destroyed by the demon Méphistophélès. When Gounod left for the Medici Villa in Rome in 1839, he took Goethe's work and was already thinking about opera, especially the night of Walpurgis, which he would someday compose. This long-prepared part was not opened to the public at Théatre-Lyrique(premiere) on 19 March 1859, twenty years later. He then reworked the score and composed the conversation into a recital, in 1869 an opera performance in which he added ballet to the beginning of Act 5, a famous scene of Walpurgis's Night. The Faust of Gounod is the greatest success of French opera. In 1975, it performed 2,358 times at the Opéra de Paris.


Originally, this piece is performed with 5 Act, but Mage production reproduce in 4 act to shorten running time and optimize the title. MAGE production as well is the company which has grown up in France and made this performance more delicate with excellent singers and musicians.


The opera will include media arts (Prod. VisualK) to bring the audience’s dramatic immersion to the philosophical questions at the end of the piece, throwing images of Faust destroyed and fallen into the devil’s temptation. The places in the piece are recreated with videos for each scene and visualized with symbols and abstract shapes and movements while adding explanation for space-time.



Conductor | Deun Lee

Director | Beum Ro Lee

Faust | Mario Bahg(Ten.)

Marguerite | Haeji Chang(Sop.)

Méphistophélès | Kyungil Ko(Bass)

Valentin | Taeil Kim(Bar.)

Siébel | Siman Chung(C.Ten)

Wagner | Minhyung Roh(Bass)

Music | Prime Philharmonic Orchestra

Chorus | MET Opera Choir


Foire & Salon

Maison & Objet Fair

FKCCI will lead a delegation of Korean startups at the Maison & Objet Fair in France, fostering their business development in the French market.

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