
Making Lemonade. Towards a digital future for the arts.

The Cultural service of the French Embassy to Korea, Goethe-Institut Korea and Art Center Nabi are co-organizing an online symposium entitled “Making Lemonade”, in order to open the debate on the future of culture and the arts, and the impact of digital tools and practices on the creation and distribution of artistic contents, in the context of the continuing global pandemic. The aim of this conference is to showcase successful projects organized online or using digital tools, and to discuss the future of these initiatives with speakers, showcases and online performances. The conference will be held over three days, from Wednesday April 14 to Friday April 16.

The Covid-19 pandemic threatens international cultural exchanges and has transformed all kinds of festivals into digital format. In this process, new models of cultural content have emerged, but they have been seen as temporary springs, before the resumption of "normal" pre-pandemic cultural activities. However, with the continuation of the global health crisis, we are now thinking more seriously about the potential and opportunities of the digitalization of culture and art.

"Making Lemonade" is a three-day online conference, analyzing possibilities and experiences of digital culture that took place during the pandemic. Debates on the disadvantages of expressing art and culture online will be organized, and success stories and successful shows will be presented. “Making Lemonade” is inspired by the English expression “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!”, in other words, “if life gives you hardships, turn them into opportunities”. Therefore, we will discuss about the future of art with those who already had deep reflections on the opportunities for expanding the sharing of culture and art online, even during the difficult situation we all faced.

As art specialists and cultural policy makers, the Korean, French and German panelists participating in the conference will exchange their experiences through debates and will focus on how to develop digital projects in the coming months and years. This conference is also open to the public interested in the digital development of art and culture. All sequences will be translated simultaneously into Korean and English.


Making Lemonade est retransmis en direct sur YouTube, en anglais ou en coréen, sans inscription préalable. Si vous souhaitez participer à la performance de Hojun Song le 16 avril, inscription préalable nécessaire.

Le programme complet est disponible ci-dessous.


Foire & Salon

Maison & Objet Fair

FKCCI will lead a delegation of Korean startups at the Maison & Objet Fair in France, fostering their business development in the French market.

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