Actus des entreprises

Lycée Français de Séoul commemorates its 50th anniversary!

Lycée Français de Séoul commemorates its 50th anniversay!

On May 17th, Lycée Français de Séoul, one of FKCCI’s esteemed members, celebrated its 50th anniversary! 

Since its foundation in 1974, Lycée Français de Séoul(LFS) has grown to become a leading school representing not only the Korean and French communities but also international communities, playing a major role as a key figure in the success of the French-Korean business community along with the FKCCI! 

Since the bilateral diplomatic ties in 1886, the French-Korean business community has become one of the major foreign communities on the Peninsula since the bilateral diplomatic ties in 1886, with the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry seeing the growth of its members to 450, making it the third largest foreign chamber in Korea.  

Let's look forward to continuing to grow together as key members of this community in Korea! 


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