La Chambre

FKCCI named best performing French Chamber of Commerce and Industry worldwide

FKCCI named best performing French Chamber of Commerce and Industry worldwide

FKCCI received CCI FI’s Best Performance Award 2022 for its outstanding results and growth in 2020-2021.

In July 2022, CCI France International and French chambers abroad’s representants gathered in Paris for the network’s annual award ceremony. Designed to celebrate the 125 French chambers abroad’s achievements in 2020-2021, this year’s edition most notably highlighted FKCCI’s outstanding results with the Best Performance Award! 

The last two years have been particularly eventful for FKCCI. To keep growing despite the pandemic and maintain links within the French-Korean business community, the Chamber launched numerous online initiatives, among which the France-Korea Next Generation video series and two highly successful online job fairs – one of which on a European scale. FKCCI also continuously helped its community navigate COVID by providing support in visa and business-related areas, and by keeping its members informed of the newest sanitary regulations through its social platforms, an exclusive new Ask & Share Kakao channel, and the launch of a daily press review. 

More recently and following the lifting of South Korea’s Covid-related border control measures, the Chamber has been busier than ever. Several large-scale events could take place, such as Bastille Day for the first time in two years, and exceptional conferences with South Korea’s Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs. The Chamber also supported various clients in their discovery of the Korean market through learning expeditions, prospecting missions, and a wide array of services. Finally, FKCCI reorganized and rebranded an entire part of its activities into “Corporate Services”, to provide a comprehensive set of services for business establishment, management and public affairs support.

As a result of such bustling activity, FKCCI registered a significant increase in its membership, and is expected to reach the impressive number of 450 members by the end of 2022 (vs. 430 in 2021 and 375 in 2020). More and more French companies choose FKCCI, the 5th French Chamber worldwide in terms of volume of business services, as their key B2B service provider for prospection, establishment and development in the South Korean market. The Chamber’s expansion also translated in its ever-growing online community of followers: in July 2022, FKCCI’s various social media had more than 35,000 subscribers (+11.5% YoY). 

FKCCI thanks CCI FI for this prize and is committed to keep developing its network in the future! The second semester of 2022 will be even more dynamic with a rich program that we are preparing for the French-Korean community: the Tech4Good Tour 2022 in September, new editions of sectoral committees in energy, F&B, and luxury sectors, the newcomers’ seminar in October, and of course the long-awaited Gala 2022 in November! 


To read more about CCI FI and international French Chambers’ achievements, click here.

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Foire & Salon

Maison & Objet Fair

FKCCI will lead a delegation of Korean startups at the Maison & Objet Fair in France, fostering their business development in the French market.

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