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FKCCI Helps you Strengthen your Leadership Skills during its HRD Training Tuesday!

On September 12, the FKCCI hosted a training workshop addressed to international and Korean managers to better their leadership and managerial skills.

In collaboration with the KGCCI (Korean German Chamber of Commerce and Industry) and the Austcham (Australian Chamber of Commerce in Korea), the FKCCI organizes several Human Resources Development Training Tuesday throughout the year to help professionals improve their soft skills at work. These sessions cover a range of topics including adapting to Korean work culture, developing effective employer branding, increasing engagement at work, all of which were presented by industry experts who provided valuable and practical insights to the participants.  

For this "back to work" edition, Valérie Hotton, a highly accomplished senior manager in Sales & Marketing with over 20 years of expertise and the founder of her own Training & Development company since 2014, focused her training on improving leadership skills. The session explored the essential leadership postures: The Visionary, The Boss, and The Coach, which hold the key to exceptional leadership. Valérie Hotton has emphasized the importance of possessing the 3 facets to be a good leader.

In the first section of the workshop, Mrs. Hotton presented several tools to become an effective Visionary Manager who can effectively lead and inspire their teams. She taught participants various models they can use in their daily routines, such as the Eisenhower Matrix for task prioritization and the Kubler Ross Change Curve to better understand team dynamics. She also stressed the significance of having and sharing a strong vision with the team to keep them engaged and motivated at work. Throughout the training, she organized numerous interactive exercises to help attendees apply what they had learned practically. 

One notable exercise involved participants delivering a short speech, allowing their speech, voice tone, and posture to be analyzed using the hamburger method. This exercise provided valuable feedback on public speaking skills, crucial for effective leadership. 

At the end of this 4-hour training, participants expressed high satisfaction with the new practical tools they had acquired and particularly enjoyed the interactive nature of the session. 

I enjoyed how interactive and practical this training was. It was interesting to not only learn from the instructor but also from the experience of other participants, both new and senior managers "_ wrote one participant in its satisfaction survey. 

Don't hesitate to subscribe to our newsletter or follow us on social media to know when our future HRD Training Tuesday will be organized!



Foire & Salon

Maison & Objet Fair

FKCCI will lead a delegation of Korean startups at the Maison & Objet Fair in France, fostering their business development in the French market.

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