FKCCI French Business Awards 2020
For the second time ever, the French-Korean business community is gathering to celebrate its highest achievers across various sectors! This year again, we are happy to invite you to apply to the French Business Awards 2020, which will be given in front of +100 guests and journalists during a ceremony (date TBC due to the COVID-19 outbreak).
Why applying?
At first, in Korea...
The winners will be granted with a whole communication package: a one month online banner on FKCCI website and blogs, a posting on social networks, newsletter and e-mailing, an article in Corée Affaires Magazine, and exposure in front of the French Korean business community during the prize ceremony.
Then in France !
The winners will also receive international recognition. The international network of French CCI abroad, CCI France International, organizes every year a Trophy Ceremony at the end of June where all worldwide award winners can compete. The 2020 edition will be held on June 29th, under the guidance of Mr. Antoine FREROT, CEO of Veolia.
Application Deadline: TBC
For this edition, we are launching three more categories, including for Korean companies, which makes the total number of 6 awards: Entrepreneur, Corporate Social Responsibility, Innovation, Start-up, French Local Partnership and Best Korean Company Settlement in France.
This Award is granted to companies, which demonstrated that their commercial deals and their strategies are involved in social, ethical and environmental concerns or in human right concerns.
This Award is granted to companies, created in Korea by at least one French citizen who didn't receive help from France, also offering fascinating outlook and having achieved remarkable growth in 2019.
This Award is for successful associations between French and Korean companies, with the aim of encouraging technology sharing or expertise. These associations may, for example, take the form of a joint-venture.
This Award is granted to companies, having developed a technological innovation, which contributed to commercial growth for France internationally in 2019.
This Award is granted to companies recently created by at least one French citizen, distinguished by its creativity, originality, dynamics, growth prospects or capacity to raise funds.
This Award is granted to companies that have invested in France for the last 3 or 4 years, with significant contributions in terms of job creation, innovation, economic impact on the territory of France and investment achieved.
FKCCI Business Awards 2019 Winners
You can be the next one!