
Eranos publishes a worldwide study on women’s confidence

Eranos, strategic consulting company, published a global study on women’s confidence as IT Cosmetics, make-up brand, commissioned the survey

This is the largest survey yet on women’s confidence and it has surveyed 11,176 women for 3 years. In 11 countries, Eranos measured general levels of confidence and analyzed the sources of confidence. By examining various fields such as philosophy, sociology, psychology, psychoanalysis and practical psychology, they tried to grasp multifaceted phenomenon of confidence. Thus, 14 sources of confidence were found. In addition, qualitative interviews were done and quantitative surveys were conducted in 10 countries.

The study’s main themes are confidence’s relativity, sources of confidence, the general level of women’s confidence and factors which induce confidence. According to Eranos’s study, these factors vary from interior factors to exterior factors. Specifically, the study identified 14 sources of confidence: womanhood, utopias, resemblance, intuition, resilience, improving, routine, certainties, vocation, intellect, appearance, support-system, transgression, spirituality.

Eranos announced the scores of average confidence of 11,000 women who answered the survey in each country. Based on the average score of global confidence, a score between 0 and 3.9 is considered as extremely low, a score between 4.0 and 5.9 is considered as low, a score between 6 and 7.9 is considered as moderate, and a score higher than 8 is considered as high.

The score of French confidence was measured as 6.1. According to the survey, the components which compromise French confidence are blind optimism and difficulty to find career.  Meanwhile, the components which drive French confidence are the desire to be recognized and spontaneous instincts.

The score of Korean confidence was measured as 5.7, which is slightly lower than France’s. The components which compromise Korean confidence are feeling too much pressure about success and groupism. On the contrary, the components that elevate confidence are support from close people, capacity to challenge, and cultivating daily wisdom.


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