Bastille day 2022 : Booth & Gift Bag
Discover our booth partners’ products as well as unique gifts prepared especially for the participants at the upcoming event <Bastille Day 2022> on July 14th!
The perfect occasion for participants, who will each receive a voucher, to taste specialties from France:
Charcuterie by France Gourmet
A glass of Lillet cocktail and Mumm champagne by G.H.Mumm
A glass of Maison Sassy cider or sparkling chardonnay by Opia
A bottle of Orangina or water by Evian
Beer by The Ranch Brewing

Furthermore, we have prepared special welcome gifts for every participant of the event.
Thanks to L’Oréal Korea and Andros who generously support this event, guests will receive:
Surprise Gift Bag by L’Oréal Korea
Marmalade by Bonne Maman & Fruit compote « Fruit me up » by Andros
Corée Affaires Magazine by FKCCI
We are looking forward to meeting you to celebrate French Art-de-Vivre with us and we thank our generous partners who make this event such a great success. All tickets are sold out already!