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Adecco Group will host a webinar “COVID-19 Labor Market Insights” on November 30

COVID-19 Labor Market Insights

The Adecco Group has throughout this year assessed the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on key economies across the globe as the pandemic developed. The Adecco Group is today publishing the 4th edition of our comparative analysis which looks at the mix that 20 countries have applied in terms of economic support, fiscal stimulus and health policy measures.

Throughout “COVID-19 Labor Market Insights” webinar, Adecco Group will proceed an in-depth discussion around crisis-response strategies with a specific angle at labor market policies and present Adecco’s insights into successful policy approaches as a world leading HR solution provider. This webinar will be processed with two leading experts, Sangheon Lee, Director of Employment at the ILO and Bryan Luro, Country Manager of The Adecco Group South Korea. Sangheon Lee will conduct a discussion with a focus on impact of the pandemic in general, bryan Luro will specifically talk about the pandemic impact on South Korea which was placed at the top country of their comparative ranking.


  • Date·Time: November 30, 2020(Monday) 5:00PM-6:15PM
  • Guests: Sangheon Lee (Director of Employment at the ILO), Bryan Luro (Country Manager of The Adecco Group South Korea)
  • Language: English
  • Location: Online (Participating Link: Click here to join the meeting)
  • Registration fee: Free



Foire & Salon

Maison & Objet Fair

FKCCI will lead a delegation of Korean startups at the Maison & Objet Fair in France, fostering their business development in the French market.

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