COVID-19  •  행사

[Webinar] Cybersecurity : What Covid-19 has changed

On June 17th, the FKCCI and French Tech Seoul organized a web conference on the impact of Covid-19 on cybersecurity, gathering more than 60 participants from the French-Korean business community!

This unprecedented crisis brings risks rising at levels we rarely witnessed previously. Increased remote communications and spreading home office practices have made businesses more vulnerable to new types of cyberattacks. Fallacies and lack of expertise can usually create an open window for anyone to take advantage and enter IT systems.

In this framework, Christophe Bobin, CEO of Corexalys, a French company specialized in e-intelligence services, presented the landscape of cyberthreats, increasingly used for economic and political warfare reasons, targeting for example all kind of companies with high values for China and private investment funds. Large-scale spam campaigns using Covid-19 as a handle, and E-mail phishing campaigns with compromised documents about Covid-19 emerged, while the massive use of VPNs and unmonitored behavior of workers at home increased the vulnerability of companies.

The webinar was also the occasion to give a demonstration of cyberattacks such as phishing and practical advices to avoid them. According to Yohan Lassagne, specialist of IT solutions and co-founder and CEO of Iteria, “with Covid-19, phishing attacks increased by 600% during Q1 2020, with 18 million attacks per day and a high success rate”. An even more concerning rise, as it is widely used by APT groups (Advanced Persistent Threat), often financed and supported by States.

Finally, Ms. Yewon Lee, Deputy General Researcher at the International Cyber Intelligence Team of the Korean Internet & Security Agency (KISA), could share the Korean institutional landscape of cybersecurity. Amidst Covid-19, the KISA took several measures to reinforce vigilance of companies such as advisory on Covid-19 themed Phishing Text and advices on actions to undertake when implementing remote working. Moreover, reinforced monitoring of websites (malware distribution, connection delay, …) was implemented and cyber shelter services was provided to companies most at risk (SMEs) according to the institution.

테마별 이벤트


FKCCI  •  Seoul

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