The French-Korean Business Community and the FKCCI acts together to face Covid-19!

The French-Korean Business Community and the FKCCI acts together against Covid-19!

Platform of Suppliers of Medical and Sanitary Equipment

FKCCI has put in place a platform of suppliers of medical and sanitary equipment to support French economic and institutional actors in this crisis. The aim is to connect them with reliable Korean suppliers. The matchmaking is made depending on the characteristic of the demand (type of equipment, volume, schedule of delivery, budget), their legal and financial status and certifications obtained by the supplier. The Chamber specifies that those activities do not incur any profits to FKCCI.

For example, the following equipment can be supplied by Korean companies (non-exhaustive regularly updated list):

  • Cotton masks
    Please refer to this list (non-exhaustive indicative list)
  • Gels and hydroalcoholic solutions (under the French conditions of importation)
  • Test kits

FKCCI is relying on its network of members including companies able to supply sanitary and medical equipment. For example, Welcome International is offering to export in France masks, hydroalcoholic gels, test kits, etc... 

You can find here the list of products.

And fill in the following form on to submit your request (in French).


테마별 이벤트


FKCCI  •  Seoul

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