L'Oreal promotes scientific innovation

L'Oreal Korea has been providing research grants to female scientists and encouraging female students to develop an interest in science under its motto, "Science is the basis of the beauty business." Since 2002 the Korean unit of the French cosmetics giant has been holding the L'Oreal Korea-UNESCO Awards for Women in Life Science, offering awards and research funds to female scientists in various life sciences fields. A total of 61 professors and researchers have been selected over the past 15 years.

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테마별 이벤트


FKCCI  •  Seoul

연례총회 & 비즈니스 어워즈

한불상공회의소 연례총회에 참여하여 지난 1년 간의 과업을 돌아보고 프랑스 비즈니스 어워즈 수상자들의 놀라운 업적을 함께 축하해요!

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