
Gala 2018


December 8th 2018, Grand Hyatt Seoul, Grand Ballroom



The 29th edition of the FKCCI Annual Gala took place on Saturday December 8th at the Grand Ballroom, Grand Hyatt Seoul.  More 800 people from the French Korean business community gathered for the FKCCI largest event of the year celebrating French culture and gastronomy as well as the French-Korean friendship. 


Held every year since 1989, the FKCCI Gala is the most prestigious and long-awaited event of the FKCCI.

This 29th edition celebrated the seventh art staging the city of light, which has always been a beacon of romance and sophistication, in a marvelous atmosphere drawn from classic movies to thrilling blockbusters. In an exceptional environment the guests enjoyed a course dinner celebrating French gastronomy as well as the finest wine and champagne selected in the best French cellars. French singer composer Maximilien Philippe finalist of the French T.V. program, with his alluring coarse voice, gave a wonderful performance during the dinner. Surrounded by cinematic projections our guest also revisited all the great movies featuring our city of Paris. The FKCCI also prepared a lucky draw for its guests who had the chance to win amazing prizes, such as a round-trip to Paris in business class and many more.

The FKCCI thanks all its esteemed guests and members for participating in this grand Gala 2018 and hopes to see them next year for our 30th anniversary edition.

테마별 이벤트


FKCCI  •  Seoul

연례총회 & 비즈니스 어워즈

한불상공회의소 연례총회에 참여하여 지난 1년 간의 과업을 돌아보고 프랑스 비즈니스 어워즈 수상자들의 놀라운 업적을 함께 축하해요!

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