
Effective Business Presentation Skills


"Effective Business Presentation Skills"


The FKCCI and Vectis are currently offering a unique “in-house” training workshops opportunity, for groups of employees from the same company, at their own location.

In-house workshops provide you immediate and tangible benefits because:

• You decide the date and location in accordance with your needs and plans
• You save significantly on HRD budgets due to cost-effective corporate group rates
• Your employees save time as a result of our full scheduling and on-site flexibility

In addition:

• Customized and practical content is delivered in a short period of time, fitting the training needs of your employees and your company’s HRD objectives.
• During training, team-building between co-workers is strengthened, since they rarely have opportunities to interact at a professional level beyond their work environment.



Our workshop comes in two training formats: with or without presentation practice.

DAY ONE: Key notions about Business Presentations (4 to 5 hrs)

Module I: Preparation Stage: Sharpening your Message and Knowing your Audience 

• Identifying your objectives and applying the right structure to your presentation
• Knowing and putting focus on your audience to better connect with them

Module II: Practical Aspects of Public Speaking

• Overcoming your anxiety of public speaking by applying practical tips
• Fine-tuning your body language and composure to project confidence and reinforce your message
• Understanding how cross-cultural communications differences influence presentation styles

Module III: Delivering an Effective Presentation

• Crafting and delivering an effective introduction and conclusion for stronger impact
• Using clear arguments, reasoning or data to present and support conclusions
• Using structure and other tools to provide logical flow to your message
• Using (or avoiding) specific words and formulas in English for clarity and accuracy
• Keeping the audience’s attention throughout your presentation


DAY TWO (OPTIONAL): Presentations Delivery by Participants & Review (8 hrs for 8 people)

Following Day One, all participants reconvene for a second day of training to:

• Make an on-camera presentation, by incorporating the skills and notions they have acquired
• Receive full review and feedback by the instructor, with emphasis on strong points and areas of improvements
• Share peer comments, making the learning experience richer and more interactive

The key added benefit for participants between the two formats are:

• Gaining deeper presentation skills in action and in front of a small audience
• Capitalizing on a more effective learning approach, by rehearsing and applying new notions on their own presentation and observing their performance on video
• Attaining a higher level of confidence and ability to convince an audience



Target Audience

• Korean staff and managers responsible for overseas sales and business development
• Korean managers who make management presentations to foreign executives

Workshop Duration:

Offered in 2 formats:

• 1 half-day (5 hours) Day One only (Key notions)
• 1 ½ days (5 + 8 hours) for up to 8 employees

Material Provided

• Each participant receives a full training workbook in English, to follow the workshop and for future private study

Recommended Number of Participants

• 5 to 8 for optimal interaction

Language Proficiency of Participants

• Conducted in simple and easy to understand English.

1) Click on the link below or call the FKCCI to learn about Corporate group rates
2) Other workshops by Vectis are also available on an “in-house” basis:

• “Effective Business Email”
• "Effective Communications Skills”

Insert your answers and return to the FKCCI. Our staff will contact you with a proposal or call us directly for inquiries about rates.

Contact us anytime at event(@)fkcci.com

You can register directly on our website! Fill in the following information and click send!

테마별 이벤트


FKCCI  •  Seoul

연례총회 & 비즈니스 어워즈

한불상공회의소 연례총회에 참여하여 지난 1년 간의 과업을 돌아보고 프랑스 비즈니스 어워즈 수상자들의 놀라운 업적을 함께 축하해요!

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