한불상공회의소  •  회원사 소식

Business Confidence Survey 2016: results!

On January 17, representatives of 12 European chambers and business councils, Roland Berger Ltd., and media participated in the Business Confidence Survey 2016 Press Conference hosted at Seoul Square.

For the third year, the survey has been conducted to gauge European companies’ perceptions towards the business environment of Korea. In partnership with Roland Berger, European chambers and business councils collectively organized the survey. A total of 131 companies, representing over 60,000 employees and a total turnover of EUR 50 billion, participated in the survey held in November 2016. The company profile included various industries, diversely ranging from services to manufacturing to provide an unbiased viewpoint. Of the respondents, 71% have operated in Korea for more than a decade.

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FKCCI  •  Seoul

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