2016 BNP Paribas Amateur Open

Registration for the fourth ‘BNP Paribas Amateur Open’, which will be held at Anayng, Bucheon, Guri and Suwon tennis courts during 3, 8-11 September 2016, starts today and will run until 6 September (until 1 September for the Male Advanced division) via BNP Paribas Cardif Life Insurance’s website (www.cardif.co.kr).

The tournament has been held in Korea for four consecutive years and selected as one of the official sporting events commemorating the 130th year of French-Korean diplomatic relations for this year.

For more information, click here!

테마별 이벤트


FKCCI  •  Seoul

연례총회 & 비즈니스 어워즈

한불상공회의소 연례총회에 참여하여 지난 1년 간의 과업을 돌아보고 프랑스 비즈니스 어워즈 수상자들의 놀라운 업적을 함께 축하해요!

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