평창 스패셜 런천

2018 평창동계올림픽 조직 위원장님이자 CEO이신 이희범 대표님과 함께 하는 스페셜 오찬 준비


The French-Korean Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FKCCI) was very pleased to host a Special Luncheon with the participation of Mr. Hee-beom Lee, President and CEO of the PyeongChang 2018 Organizing Committee, on June 1st.

This event gathered more than a hundred participants at Hotel Grand Ambassador Seoul : Korean, French and as well as other international companies and institutions attended the luncheon.

France and Korea share the common goal of promoting the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympic Games. French Ambassador to Korea Mr. Fabien Penone and FKCCI Chairman Mr. David-Pierre Jalicon stressed that Korea can count on France’s full support and participation for the success of the upcoming Winter Olympic Games.

Korea is “on track to host great Winter Games” Mr. Hee Beom Lee promised that PyeongChang 2018 will show Korean innovativeness and creativity to the rest of the world. They will be the first Olympic Games ever to offer 5G telecom services.

There is a strong cooperation between the PyeongChang Organizing Committee, the French Embassy and the International Organisation of Francophonie (OIF) to promote French language during the games.
French is indeed one of the two official languages of the International Olympic Committee.

For FKCCI Chairman Mr. David Pierre Jalicon, the upcoming games will be an opportunity to communicate about French presence in Korea.

A “French day” will be organized during the games. A meeting place in PyeongChang called “Club France” will welcome French athletes, their families and supporters as well as journalists (more than 200) and other guests.

A “French bus” travelling from Incheon to the Olympic Games cities will give information about France in Korea and offer French traditional winter beverages and food.

In his closing remarks, French Ambassador to Korea Mr. Fabien Penone stressed that the success of the PyeongChang Winter Olympic Games was a priority for the French Embassy.

Sports are becoming a key component of the French-Korean bilateral relation, and the upcoming Winter Olympic Games will give a new dimension to this cooperation.

Read the article of the Korea Times about FKCCI PyeongChang Luncheon

테마별 이벤트


FKCCI  •  Seoul

연례총회 & 비즈니스 어워즈

한불상공회의소 연례총회에 참여하여 지난 1년 간의 과업을 돌아보고 프랑스 비즈니스 어워즈 수상자들의 놀라운 업적을 함께 축하해요!

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